Academic Affairs

Academic Affairs

Deans, Department Chairs, Program Chairs, Program Directors, Program Coordinators

How are you finding adjuncts to teach your courses?

If most of your part-time faculty are found by personal referral of program directors and current faculty, you may not be finding the best adjuncts.

Your adjunct recruitment and vetting process needs to:
  • Attract diversity
  • Verify credentials and reputation
  • Ensure quality
Otherwise, the reputation of your programs are at risk.

Whether you need adjunct faculty or subject-matter experts, our all-in-one recruiting and vetting provides you with well-qualified candidates.

What do you do for onboarding and orientation?

Did you say “HR does that.”

Yes, onboarding includes ensuring that people are added to the payroll effectively and legal documents are completed. But that’s not where it ends.

An effective onboarding strategy engages, saves time, and provides peace of mind:

Effective onboarding includes a comprehensive orientation. A video introduction to your institution. A special welcome from the president, provost, and/or dean can help make new faculty feel a part of the institution. Prof360 makes it easy to engage faculty.
Save Time
Inefficient and ineffective processes and systems cost your department money. Implement streamlined processes for recruiting and managing the rapid lifecycles of part-time faculty. Save time and money and reallocate those resources to student success efforts.
Peace of Mind
A user-friendly, 24/7 cloud-based faculty information and resource management system provides the information you want, when you want it. With Prof360 there is a place for everything and everything has its place. Find the information you need fast and easy.

How do faculty get the information they need?

With Prof360, every faculty member has an individual secure online file folder for uploading, viewing, and downloading critical documents, such as:
  • CVs
  • Transcripts
  • Syllabi
  • Evaluations
Whether you need adjunct faculty or subject-matter experts, our all-in-one recruiting and vetting provides you with well-qualified candidates.
It’s your adjuncts “go to” spot for:
  • Links to key information and resources at your institution
  • Tools to improve their productivity
  • What they need to feel a part of the team
  • Everything is in one place at your and their fingertips -- 24/7

If it takes you or your faculty more than 5-minutes to get to their information, that’s too long.

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