Human Resources

Human Resources

CHRO, HR Director, Recruiter, Payroll, Academic Program Coordinator, Program Manager

Are you a member of the Human Resources department or do you handle some HR functions in an academic department?

Either way, you are doing important work and have a lot of responsibility.

Adjunct faculty turnover at a rate 10 times that of core or tenured faculty and that means more work for you.

From recruiting to onboarding to managing your adjunct faculty’s documents, Prof360 can help you every step of the way.

Prof360 enables you, your faculty, and academic administrators to automate and streamline the processes.

Whether you work from a desktop or a mobile device, you can manage the work lifecycle for your adjunct faculty from wherever you are.

Adjunct faculty may be found and offered a teaching position by the program director or department chair, but the rest of the work likely falls on you or isn’t happening:
  • Attracting diversity
  • Ensuring quality
  • Verifying their credentials and reputation
  • Checking references
  • Conducting background checks
  • Hiring
  • Onboarding
  • Providing compliance training
With efficient processes and effective systems you are able to achieve your desired results faster and with more precision.

We work for you!

We source, recruit, and vet applicants for you. We check degree completion, verify teaching credentials, verify references and screen each candidate. Then we present you with qualified and vetted candidates. All that is left is for the hiring manager to interview and select.
You can follow your current hiring practice or use ours. Sending eContract through our system provides a single point of storage and retrieval. Hiring documents, background check and I-9 can all be managed through Prof360. Onboarding is more than completing documents.
An effective onboarding strategy includes compliance training, making the new faculty member feel a part of the institution and helping them to know where to get the information they need. A good onboarding process improves satisfaction and commitment.

The Prof360 platform is scalable. We can work with a small department, a college, an entire campus, multi-campus sites and/or online remote learning. You can implement the entire platform or only the portions that meet your institution’s specific needs.

The Prof360 platform is extremely intuitive and user-friendly, because we know if it is not easy, they won’t use it.

See how we can help you save time and effort, save money, and get better results working with your academic departments and your part-time faculty.

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